我是一個資訊科技從業員。於香港土生土長。我在學期間和畢業後,曾經從事有關 Networking, Frontend 和 Backend 開發與及 DevOps 的工作。
在學期間,我曾經於兩間香港首屈一指的電訊公司進行實習工作,率先親身體會香港的 IT 行業。
2017年,我成立了刻意求工 (HAK Workshop) 並推出了我的第一個 Android 應用程式 – 香港的士 行程計劃。我們目的是創作更多實用的程式和善用更多的新技術去便利社會。
2018年,我加入了香港中文大學資訊科技服務處,擔任學生開發員,並為中文大學醫學院開發了一 個擴增實境 (Augmented Reality) 的網上教材 – AR Kidney,此應用程式成功利用科技和新技術, 為學生帶來新體驗。
畢業後,我正式投身 IT 行業,加入香港的金融科技公司,擔任開發營運 (DevOps) 工作,負責協調 開發(Development) 和營運 (Operation) 團隊,目的為客戶提供嶄新和穩定的服務。
I am an Information Technology industry Practitioners. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I engaged in networking, frontend and backend develop and DevOps when I study from high school and after graduation.
During my high school life, I worked as an intern at two leading telecommunication companies in Hong Kong. This is my first time to experience the IT industry in Hong Kong.
In 2017 during my last summer semester in my university life, I owned HAK Workshop (刻意求工) and released my first Android Application – HK Taxi Plan. We aim to create more useful tools and make use of different technology to benefit the society.
In 2018, I joined the Information Technology Service Office of the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a student developer. I developed an Augmented Reality (AR Kidney) online teaching material for the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This WEB application utilizes technology and new technologies successfully and bring new experiences to students.
After graduating, I joined a financial technology company in Hong Kong as a DevOps engineer. I was responsible for coordinating the Development and Operation teams and aim of providing customers with new and stable services.